Well summer's officially gone here in Jersey. I always go through a few weeks of being super sad, but then I get REALLY excited cause fall brings some of the funnest traditions and cutest fashions! Around here its all about apple-picking, pumpkin patching, county fairs, hay rides, and apple pies.. THIS was my inspiration for Surf Co.'s newest release :D I tried to picture the most practical cozy cold-weather wear (what I wear IRL pretty much every day of the fall season), did it in all my favorite colors, added in some rain gear (cause it has been a particularly rainy couple of months!) and TA-DAA, Surf Co's first fall release! :D There are also some fun extras in this release to highlight my favorite parts of the season and the farewell to summer! BRING ON THE COLD!!!!
The line-up:

- Vintage Fall Fest Hoodies
Yanno that sweatshirt you got 10 years ago and refuse to part with? This is the one! This hoodie comes in all the layers (except underpants, sorry to those of you who wanted to tuck your hoodie into your jeans xD), and each hoodie includes 2 versions: with a graphic, and without a graphic. It has a sculpted hoodie and a sculpted waist section with a front pocket. NOTE: the sculpts were made to fit with the puffer layer ON, so please don't forget to wear the puffer, and if you don't want to thats okay, you just may need to adjust the waist sculpt a tad. :) Also, don't forget to wear the gloves or else you wont see the ends of the sleeves.

- Hot Cocoa Stain Jeans
These were inspired by a car ride to a fall festival near Lake Ontario. You can guess what happened :D These jeans are ankle-length with a sculpted cuff, they come on both the pants and underpants layers, and come in 9 different washes (all with a cocoa stain)! xD Each wash also comes with a uniquely colored sculpted hot cocoa mug that you can hold. All the mugs are available together in the fatpack of jeans (plus a bonus mug!).

- Kettle Corn Cardigans
These cardigans include a built-in tank top, and are perfect for layering or wearing alone. They come in 5 different colors and are available on all layers.

- Rain Boots!!!
These are sculpted rain boots with a splashing puddle squeak sound built in! You can click the top of your right boot to bring up a menu with "Sounds On" and "Sounds Off" options. These are perfect rain gear and come in enough colors to match ANY outfit.
- Swinging Umbrella
This umbrella is scripted with an AO to let you swing it as you stand. It is also color-change on click, and will bring up a menu so that you can choose from any of the colors (MOST matching the rain boots quite well! :D). Type "ao on" or "ao off" in open chat (minus the quotes) to start/stop swinging. You might want to turn ao off in order to click for color change, cause its kind of hard to grab while its moving. There are 4 versions of this umbrella included: a slow swing, a medium swing, a fast swing, and a prop that is not animated, but makes a really cute decoration! The umbrella can be found next to the rain boots.

If you can't decide on a color, spring for the pack and save a bunch of Lindens!
I hope you enjoy this release as much as I enjoyed making it! Please don't forget to join my Surf Co. group or my subscriber kiosk for updates, freebies, and other goodies! Also, if you are looking for some of my older stuff, I am in the process of moving it over to an outlet location to make room for all the new things, so please visit the big signs on the walls in the far section of the store for LM's to that location.
Happy shopping! <33