I need to blog more often.. OOPS!!! Haha.. well I'm new to blogging so please be patient with meh! OK! Down to business - new @ Sand Shack Surf Co. - Cute Butt Lounge Pants:

Just released these today, and I'm super psyched about 'em because they're the perfect pants to wear with a kini. Sometimes its awkward to wear jeans (not always), and sometimes you wanna wear shorts, but sometimes you need a freakin cute pair of comfy pants to LoUnGe in - when I was makin these I was really thinkin bout a longgg beach day of swimming and tannin.. coming to a close and all you wanna do is nap for an hour on ur beach blanket with your buds before you head 2 the pizzeria or hit the boardwalk - YAH this is what I'd be wearin :D
ALso.. these were released last week but I forgot 2 blog them (tsk tsk) - Pretty in Plaid Tops!! These come in 3 sets (Neutrals) (Brights) and (Combos) - and all are available individually as well - Gettin a pack saves you a buck of course, but if you're color picky, go for the individuals and mix match :D They all come in jacket and tee as well (WOOT WOOT FOR OPTIONS!!)
(combo pack shown)

This brand new hair salon that just opened last week, created by Ashlin Leandros, has already been blogged @ Style Disorder ( http://www.styledisorder.com ) and now it's my turn!! SD blogged Cupcake which is an amazing little do that is a MUST-HAVE for SURE, but I'm gonna focus on "1987".. from the second I put these magical strands on my abnormally sized head (and after a bit of resizing) I WAS IN LOVE. It has the cutest bangs that are super flattering to the face, and the side ponytail is ADORABLE with just the right amount of flex. My point? GO GET IT NOWWW!!!! :)

I got an IM the other day from Wednesday Soon of Woo's who had just purchased a few things @ my shop and passed me a set of bangles because she thought they would go PERFECTLY with some of my stuffs... so I tried them on and <3<3<3<3 I was overcome with joy. The bangles she gave me came in a cute little bag with a Thank You notecard and a description explaining that although the bangles come with the option of wearing on your left or right arm, each one is put together in a different order, so if you wear both they don't look identical and a bit noob-ish. The ones I got from her are called "Cherry Lime Seltzer" (suchhh a cute and fun name too!!)

Well that's all for now! More soon!! :D
Happy shoppin loves! <3
p.s. for shops (til I learn how to put SLURL), search for:
"Woo's" main store in Tu Amor
"Haute Monde Salon" at .::The Yard::. in Amour
"Sand Shack Surf Co." at :the beach: in Shopping Islands